Fiendish Foes: Goap

After far too long a delay here is the final Duke of Avernus. Goap is not given much love in D&D, merely noted as a Pit Fiend servant of Tiamat who controls three companies of Erinyes…. that’s it. I could find no other info except his name is pronounced Goe-app (emphasis on the app).Luckily much like his compatriots, Amduscias and Malphas, he is based in real world myth and we can use that to make him more interesting than just another Pit Fiend.

Goap (more commonly Gaap, but also known as Tap, Coap, and Taob) has appeared as a demon in the Lesser Key of Solomon, Johann Weyer’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, Jacques Collin de Plancy’s Dictionaire Infernal, and the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic. Goap has also appeared in pop culture franchises such as Castlevania, Megami Tensei, and When They Cry.

In the Lesser Key of Solomon, Goap is said to appear in human shape, leading four great and mighty kings. He can make men insensible or ignorant, yet can also teach them the liberal sciences. He can cause love or hate, transfer familiars from one magician to another, carry men from one kingdom to another and answer truthfully questions pertaining to the past, present and future.

The other descriptions are fairly similar with a few interesting tweaks here and there. Weber says that Goap likes to appear as a doctor, is an excellent doctor of women and can make them burn with love for men. He adds consecration and invisibility to Goap’s powers as well. Goap is also sometimes referred to as a fallen angel who used to be a Potestate (also known as Powers or Authorities) a group of angels who supervise the movements heavenly bodies, maintain order in the cosmos, and oppose evil spirits by detaining them. They are said to appear as fully armored and helmeted soldiers wielding shields and spears or chains.

In updating Goap, like with his fellow Dukes, I have tried to walk the line between honoring his game stats while also bringing in more of the mythology. Goap was tricky as there just wasn’t much info to work with. But I decided to simply make him a Pit Fiend with a few extra tricks up his sleeves. I liked the idea of referencing his origins as an angel with his armor and weapons, but I would describe them similar to the Shield of the Hidden Lord, things of celestial origins which have been warped over time. His armaments are intricately carved but close inspection reveals twisted depictions of the horrors Goap has perpetrated through the centuries. I really liked the idea of him giving out other people’s familiars and made sure to give him the ability to do that. I like the idea of Goap being surrounded Snow White style by dozens of Familiars he has corrupted over the years. I also gave him a few more spells that I felt tied in with the powers he has been said to have.

Goap can be found wandering the Wastelands of Avernus leading his companies of Erinyes, his corrupted Familiars, and four soul larva with thorny crowns upon their heads. He technically serves Tiamat but she hasn’t bothered with him in years. For his part Goap continues on with his last orders, to root out threats to Avernus, be it the Rabble, upstart Warlords, or outsiders who disrupt the status quo. Sometimes he can be found within the Wandering Emporium pretending to be a doctor (barber). Mainly he is using the cover to gather information but he occasionally will use his healing powers to help people (he seems to prefer treating women). Burney the Barber dislikes him but Goap has somehow circumvented her memory trick (perhaps due to his divine origins) and knows her true identity. Burney will recommend players stay away from Goap but won’t directly act against him for fear of retaliation. Well that’s my version of Duke Goap the Pit Fiend for 5E, let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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